Homework Sheets and Halloween

Dear Families,

On Monday, I realized that I forgot to send home homework sheets in last week’s Friday Folder.  On Tuesday, I realized I forgot to send home the homework sheets on Monday.  I’m betting you can guess what happened today.  Please look for a homework recording sheet this week in your child’s Friday Folder.  The homework sheets may change, but they’ll go home on Fridays for the foreseeable future.

We don’t have a formal Halloween celebration scheduled for tomorrow, but there is a parent sending in an afternoon treat.  I’ve asked all students to limit the candy they bring to school to one piece for snack and lunch on Friday.  After that I’m hoping it will stay at home.


Mr. Cheney



Mt. Philo Pictures

Dear Families,

If you click on the Twitter link on the left side of this page, you should be able to see pictures from our Mt. Philo trip (you may have to click latest).  If you were a chaperone on this trip and have pictures to add, please email them to me in groups of 3.  If I get anymore pictures than 3 at a time, I can’t open them.

Mr. Cheney


Dear Families,

There will be a substitute the next two days.  Students have been prepped to be on their best behavior and told what they will be doing in class the next two days.  Reminders from home to be on their best behavior would be great.

Please Google, “Bill Nye Water Cycle” tonight or this weekend and watch the 30 minute video with your child.

If you haven’t returned your child’s permission slip for Mt. Philo, please send it in tomorrow.

Homework will start next week.  It will consist of reading and math on a daily basis, with occasional additional assignments.



Mr. Cheney

Room 151 News

Dear Families,

We are really starting to get into the flow academically.  Students are doing a great job of staying on task as we learn different things.  Today we took a math test and the scores ranged from 94 – 100.  I was really impressed.


We are working on identifying literary elements in reading.  Students are working on identifying; plot, setting, characters, theme, and conflict.


Students have been working on place value, addition, and subtraction.  Next week we’ll shift our focus to multiplication, perimeter, area, and converting between minutes and seconds.


Students are working on writing realistic fiction.


We are working on erosion and will be making stream tables next week.

Mr. Cheney

Mt. Philo

Dear Families,

You will see a permission slip in your child’s Friday Folder for a field trip to Mt. Philo.  We will be going to Mt. Philo on Tuesday, October 15, from 9 to 2pm.  There is a volunteer registration form on the back of the permission slip for those of you that haven’t filled one out yet, but would like to join us.


Mr. Cheney

Tech Day

Dear Families,

Students have earned a tech day tomorrow for the positive behavior they’ve exhibited the last few weeks.  Students may bring in electronics that are quiet/have headphones, or are rated “E” for everyone.  Students are responsible for their own items.

Thank you,

Mr. Cheney

Classroom Pictures

Dear Families,

Students have been incredibly well-behaved this week.  We spent our time this week working on adding and subtracting 3 digit numbers, guessing why certain land features look the way they do, reading quietly and discussing what we’ve read.


I try to post pictures a few times a month on my Twitter page.  You can get to the pictures by clicking on the @josephcheney151 link in the left margin of this page.  Once you click the link and it goes to Twitter, click on “latest” at the top of the page to see the most recent pictures (otherwise you’ll probably see lots of pictures from previous years).


Mr. Cheney

Fabulous First Week!

Dear Families,

We had a fabulous first week of 4th grade.  Students did a great job of listening and following directions.  I was really impressed by how well they got along, not only in the classroom, but also on the playground.  This week we mostly focused on getting to know our peers and learning the school rules.  Next week we’ll add in a few assessments to see where kids are academically.


Parents, you actually have some homework this weekend.  Every student wrote in their Communication Log about the first week of school.  The Communication Log should be in their Friday Folder ready for a parent to read it and respond to it.  Please take a minute to write a short note back to your child below their letter to you, or on the next page.  I’ll make sure they read it at the beginning of next week.  We will try to write in our Communication Logs every Friday.


Thanks for sending in such well-behaved and happy kids this week!

Mr. Cheney